Apr 26, 2014


This word has been the bane of my existence in this job. I dont know what it means, how its done and I gawk in awe at people who earn such fame with their innovative projects, whatever they may be. I was reading C.G.Somiah's autobiography and it struck me quite glaringly that in all his anecdotes (the book is more like a collection of anecdotes, very interesting to read, without much personal opinions), the work that the earlier generation of civil servants used to focus on and take pride in, was getting the system up and running properly by taking timely, sensible decisions over things, taking a stand on right or wrong and helping those in need by all the resources at their command. Much to its contrast, current day administration is more about innovative projects. All the things mentioned above are maybe taken for granted, taken as routine or maybe somewhere down the line, these expectations from officers itself has disappeared. Now a good officer isnt necessarily an honest guy who takes a stand in a tough situation in the larger interest of society. I find that increasingly, it is one who can manage all local forces - other departments, media, unions and other sundry pressure groups - such that no wrong messages go upwards and then as a bonus, roll out some new project once in a while.

I dont mean this in a demeaning manner. The fact is, this kind of management is a very difficult skill to hone and not everyone's cup of tea. Certainly not mine. And in addition to all that jugglery, to come up with interesting projects to work on, is really something. The only bee in my bonnet is, what about regular administration? Why isnt that a priority any more? What happens when the officer leaves and the project fizzles out? Isnt that a sheer waste of energy and effort? Isnt it necessary to discern between eye catching and meaningful innovations - those which are sustainable after the officer leaves, and continues to deliver long after it has, to use Weber's word, routinized? 

I dont know why, maybe all these questions are rising in my head because I am not a competitive person by nature and I find people always comparing me to others to assess how 'innovative' I am and it makes me so uncomfortable.. like a little school boy under the scrutiny of the strict school headmaster, maybe because I see so many 'innovative' projects lying wasted, like a street after a carnival.. maybe its because I am trying to work on a few long term projects and I am finding the going so so tough.. starting it was easy enough, but to put in place a system which will make the changes last is proving to be formidable.. and I am realising that this is the actual challenge, to 'make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas or products' ( thats the definition of 'to innovate' as per Oxford Dictionary) proper long term result yielding changes. 

Apr 19, 2014

A job well done

One of the earliest posts in this blog was about elections. And how I detested the whole process and found it a waste of time and money. A slight correction. I still think its a huge waste of money when there are back to back elections and that we need to find a way to bunch them together the way it was done in Orissa a few days back. But apart from that, I have come to love this period.

I now realise that my dislike for it initially was due to my poor grasp over the language and I used to feel overwhelmed by the amount of reading of rules, circulars, letters that it required. But now, 5 years down the line, a bit better equipped linguistically, I had a bigger responsibility than previously to manage elections in about 6 times the area I previously had done. 

I have reached the conclusion that there is no task better organised than elections. Firstly, the rules of the game are crystal clear. No exceptions.While that seems so ordinary, the fact is, life in the day to day is not like that. Even if I want to keep it that way, there are many people above below and parallel who don't subscribe to that theory, for various reasons (a different debate altogether). This level playing field is absolutely wonderful because you can actually see how people change from this egoistic self obsessed attitude to one where they bow down to the rules. 

Secondly, this is the only task in which the staff remains disciplined. Unfortunately, one of the worst things about our society today is not corruption - that's the symptom. The root of it, is lack of self - discipline across the bureaucracy. Everything else stems from it. When a person thinks that however lower down in the hierarchy his post is, just because he is connected to x, y, z he can get away with blue murder, and actually often does - that's how everything that is wrong with us begins. There has to be a basic minimum of discipline towards our work, in our behaviour to our subordinates and superiors and a basic respect for the fact that the executive branch is separate from the political branch of governance. Anyhow, the point is, elections is the only time when that discipline surfaces, albeit due to fear of the Commission, but its a fear I most welcome. This creates a well oiled machinery working 24x7, days on end, but flawlessly.

Thirdly, things are unambiguous. I mean, you don't have much scope to interpret things differently and I for one, am in complete favour of that. I do realise that it isn't always possible to have iron clad rules for all departments, but I do think that any lee way that is given for interpretation has to be within a broader framework of clear cut rules otherwise it just causes problems and suspicions in the minds of people. However, in elections, this kind of clarity is most welcome. So, although it means that you have to read like a thousand letter everyday, its great  because anyone questions your decision, you can simply pull out the letter and wave it to them. And that silences all opposition!

At the end of the whole gruelling 2-3 months, when the job is done, the satisfaction.. its beyond words. I feel such pride in our team, our management and planning.. I cannot describe the sense of contentment.. I have a beatific smile on my face as I write about it! 

Apr 14, 2014


I have nothing really I want to write about today.. But I just noticed its been a while since I made an entry I dont want to slip up again.. at least not so soon!

I have had a long holiday - as in officially, 3 days off in a row.. and I have only come to realise in this span of time how hopelessly lazy and uninspiring I have become! I dont exercise or pursue a hobby or keep abrest of the latest in the world or even up to date on things that would improve my work.. I feel like Ive been plucked out of my natural surroundings and thrown into some place I dont belong but have to try to fit in. I try, but its amazing how nothing interests me. I dont know how I became this way.. and I didnt like the glimpse of me I had these three days.

So,my biggest excuse - the elections - is going to be over soon and I have resolved to make each day count more. Not just in terms of work, but in terms of everything I mentioned above. Lets see how far I get..