Jul 9, 2014

Long Pause

In the last 2 months, so much has happened that I haven't blogged about that now I find it difficult to pinpoint and write down. Some tragic deaths of innocent people, some major unionisation against me for demanding accountability from staff.. some disgusting politics thwarting wonderful projects and maligning sincere workers.. sometimes I really wonder what makes this job worth all this? Since I have been constantly making this blog a punching bag of sorts I thought I should avoid writing till I have some sliver of a good thing to document. 

So, some good projects have seen the light of day.. managed to finalise the starting of a K.V school here, dumping grounds which was a long standing requirement, other important offices which were running rented buildings have been taken care of, through all the union nonsense, it was heartening to hear stories of mild improvements sprouting here and there.. 

Its tiring to fight for every little thing that should actually just take place ipso facto..sometimes I just want to leave all this and go somewhere far away where I can get some peace of mind, and family time without feeling guilty for not looking into some crisis or the other..  But when occasionally the effort translates into something good, it gives me reason to try just a tiny bit more.. Hence the return, after the long pause! 


  1. You ask a questions and you answer them yourself !!! Whats worth the job, the occasional sliver of a good measure. If only good things are happening to you, someone will wake you up. :):)
    Give some here take some there is the name of the game. And like they say its a profession, keep it professional.
    Congratulations on your projects coming through.

    1. Someone's becoming a predictably regular 'commenter' on this blog...

  2. And where are the predictions raining from ?
