Feb 28, 2019

Change : the only constant

So much has changed since my last post - shifted 2 homes, got a small window of time with my better half only to be parted again in 4 months, a new profile, new city, new responsibilities..

It has been such a difficult time to come terms with so much of change in such a small space of time, and I am not proud of the fact that for the first time in a decade, I have complained about it. With difficulty, I have told myself to chin up, look ahead and do the best I can. 

Two months have rushed past. The task and place I am at is one of the most challenging assignments I have had so far and I have been trying to  put my all into it.. I have high standards of a series of predecessors to live up to.. In some cases, I am happy with the progress and in others I am still finding my way. But I dont know why, while my mind is fully dedicated to my work, my heart is still lurking below the optimal level it should be at.. 

Each day that I return home, my babies make my day, but after they go to bed and I retire to mine, it sinks lower and gets more and more restless. I dont know what it is seeking, but I have this the constant feeling of emptiness.. sense that something is not right.. 

Wish this would go away.. 

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