Feb 11, 2010

And the End

   I know I've been terribly irritated and fed up of elections.I have cribbed no end about it for the last 5 months and just wondered why we even have this thing called elections. Today, as I wrapped up the last shred of election work, I didn't delve back into the conceptual question of democracy and instead, just let out a nice big sigh and smiled.. at the end of the day, no matter your personal opinion of the thing, the satisfaction that comes from a job well done and well completed, is unparalleled. 

   Whats making me really happy is that the first election that we conducted a few months back was fraught with endless problems. As soon as that got over, this second one began and I swore to myself that I will not let things go that way this time.. Each day of the past two months, this thought remained with me and there were many times when I felt we are entering  a similar sticky situation. I drove my team very hard - late nights, no weekends, relentless..  I know how much they must hate me for all that. But today, when all stakeholders concerned come and thank you and congratulate you for doing a decent job, when your team itself is satisfied with their own work  and most importantly, things go off without a glitch.. you feel like a proud parent - after a successful delivery!!

Jan 31, 2010

The Finale.. Almost

Uff.. the tension, the stress, the phone calls, the complaints, the MADNESS and then.. finally, the relief.... Boss, conducting elections is NOT a joke. If one has to work like this all their lives, it is bound to make one go mad. I am actually beginning to think that despite its theoretical soundness, democracy as a form of governance is something that the Chinese have cleverly avoided and focussed all their energy and effort on education and health. I wonder if this state or even country would be at the same social indicators if this kind of effort had been thrown at say education??